biographie swami ajay

Ancien bhajan hall swami Ajay

Swami Ajay Biography

Swami Ajay was born in Mauritius in 1969. He had a difficult childhood because he lost his father very early and had to work very young in the sugar cane fields. He still managed to study to become a lawyer's clerk.
In 1991, he fell seriously ill, with unbearable stomach pains. The doctors diagnosed an ulcer and decided to operate it. But after his operation, Swami Ajay endured a hernia, accompanied by atrocious suffering. After each operation to sew up his wound, hepatitis was reproduced as a fatality and the pain became intolerable. At the end of his strength he wished death to deliver him from his ordeal.

Faced with the failure of medicine, one of his family members told him about Baba and took him to the Pipe-pipe temple. A loaner gave him a statue of Shirdi Baba, whom he prayed with great devotion. Using the vibhuti (sacred ash) given by the priest to heal himself, the first prodigies occurred. His vibhuti box was still full and the pain disappeared quickly. His healing was complete.
The statue of Shirdi Baba manifested Amrita which was distributed to the faithful of Mauritius. In 1993, on Sathya Sai Baba's birthday, Swami Ajay saw her fitness for the first time in her bedroom. A few days later, the amrita began to flow from Swami Ajay's body, then he saw Sathya Sai Baba who asked him to come to India.

Construction de l'ashram de Swami Ajay
In 1994, Swami Ajay made his first visit to Puttaparthi (ashram of Sathya Sai Baba). After many tribulations, Swami Ajay received money and instructions from Sai Baba to build an ashram in his country. He immediately set to work and made a big bhajan hall, which was inaugurated in 1996.
In 1998, Sathya Sai Baba signed the book "From Sai to Self", recounting the extraordinary adventure of Swami Ajay. Over time, the activities of the ashram grew, as well as its infrastructure. In 2007, a large villa was built on land near the ashram, intended to accommodate foreigners. In 2009, began an expansion project of the ashram on a large land located towards the sea. The activities of Swami Ajay extend well beyond the borders of Mauritius, because it makes Yagnas (rituals by fire) abroad for many years (England, Belgium, Portugal and France, in particular).

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